19 Jun
Gigging and producing

As i have always said, Gigging isn’t enough these days – unless you’re already a famous superstar DJ/producer, to become successful and to sustain that success you have to put yourself “out there”. That means creating content online that gets eyeballs and hooks which grabs those that like to listen to something different and can grab peoples attention. whether that’s a banging bass-line, a blog, a vlog, or any other work that can be readily shared online.

Even the biggest names in DJ'ing still need to put out stuff like vlogs, like i am here, it gives you a way of capturing more fans of your productions, podcasts and pushing this as far as setting up social media like, Instagram, Facebook because again this is what captures fans’ attention in a social media-driven society. As i have always stated, I like to think we’re living in an “attention economy”, and every second of attention that you can draw to yourself as a DJ/producer counts.

The best way to gain attention as a DJ/producer apart from gigging is to consistently put out this sort of attention-grabbing creative work. 

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